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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What the ****happened to Jaime?

This is just a brief update to let you guys know that I haven’t died, been kidnapped, sold in a human trafficking ring, or disappeared inside a spacecraft that resembles a blue telephone booth. I’m fine, but very busy preparing my book series for public consumption. Things are going slow, but well. I just finished the second installment to the series and I’m ready to swan dive into the third. I can already tell that this last book is going to be tough, and I haven’t even started yet. I broke into a sweat just thinking about the outline.

I’m also drawing illustrations of my characters and I’ll post them on my website as soon as I’ve finished the set. Meanwhile, I’m waiting to see the cover art for book one, Living Violet. I’m so excited and I can’t wait to show you guys what it looks like. But as it stands now, I’m doing the waiting game and plotting heinous misfortune for my beloved characters.

The main character, Samara, goes through a lot of changes through the series and it takes herculean strength not to kill her. Call me sadistic, but writing is the only way I can off somebody and not risk going to prison. This applies to all my characters, which only strengthens my belief that happy endings are earned. The paranormal aspect of the story has taken a life of its own, to the point where I have to re-read the previous books to keep track. New creatures have been introduced, old myths have been revamped, and clichés have been twisted to my sick, perverse humor. Other than that, I’ve been reading other books to remind myself of what works and what doesn’t in my own stories.

But I do miss you guys and I’ll try to be les flaky in the future and post more often. I’ll be back with another entry next week, probably another rant. I like those a lot. I’ll let you guys know if anything cool happens.



  1. Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a slight sadistic streak when it comes to how I treat my characters.

  2. See, you're one of those writers that I distrust immensely, yet somehow still adore. Character death makes a Becky so sad. (The other interns have decided that I'm cursed. My love is the touch of death. My favorite characters are the least likely to survive.)




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